FamilySearch adds Ontario district marriages, 1801-1858

FamilySearch has added Ontario district marriage registers, from 1801 to 1858, representing 24 volumes.

FamilySearch logoThe collection can be browsed by district and year. The districts are Bathurst, Brock, Gore, Home, Huron, Johnstown, London, Newcastle, Ottawa, Prince Edward, Talbot, and Victoria.

What’s a district? During the time of the records in this collection, Canada was run on a system of districts and counties. A district was the larger of the two and a district could contain several counties.

Districts, indexes, and years covered
To learn which townships and counties are within a district and to learn how these records were compiled, you should read the introductory pages in Volume 1, which is for the district of Bathurst.

To save time, make sure you read digital image 10 in Volume 1 where you will find descriptions of each volume, describing where the indexes are located and the years covered. Depending on the district, the index can be found at the front, back, or in another volume.

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One Response to FamilySearch adds Ontario district marriages, 1801-1858

  1. Barbara A. Seitz says:

    Hello Gail,
    Nothing found in the year of 1800 and up in Lincoln County, Niagara ON
    Jeremiah Durham married Sarah Sprague ? 27 Jan 1807? about one way or the other.
    Searched, Family Search! It sure is a great site. Compliment everyone in their hard work.
    If you find out any info, would like to hear from you.

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