Genealogy Research Toolbox

Use the drop-down menu in this Genealogy Research Toolbox (in the black menu bar above) to see some of my go-to online resources for genealogy research.



2 Responses to Genealogy Research Toolbox

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m looking for information about my gg grandfather and his father
    John Dungy / Dungee born abt 1830. Lived in Brant. His father William Dungy born about 1782. Also lived in Ontario. Maybe on reservation? My email is
    Thank you

  2. Susan says:

    looking for information on William Friend. Married Anna Squires. A son William Joseph Friend was born 4/19/1914. they traveled to Smith Falls from Detroit,Michigan. She married a man here about 1917….My father-in- law grew up thinking his name was Brown, his nickname was “Brownie”,because of that. If you know anything I`m on facebook Susan Buffington Friend.

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