This week’s crème de la crème — April 22, 2023

Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Crème de la crème of genealogy blogs

Blog posts
Ancestry adds Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force Crash Cards, 1939-1945 and Digitized Resources from the Cheltenham (Gloucestershire) Local History Society by John Reid on Anglo-Celtic Connections.

United States Social Security NUMIDENT records added to by James Tanner on Genealogy’s Star.

FamilySearch Library: Exploring & Understanding the Resources Available to Researchers — RootsTech 2023 by Linda Stufflebean on Empty Branches on the Family Tree.

More Internet Resources on Franco-American History by Patrick Lacroix on Query the Past.

National Library of Scotland Offers Virtual Reading Room Service by Chris Paton on Scottish GENES.

Where Will Your Roots Map Take You? by DiAnn Iamarino Ohama on Fortify Your Family Tree.

Making ChatGPT a Valuable Genealogy Assistant by Laura Clark Murray on Family Locket.

5 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Research An Ancestor by Dr. Margaret M. McMahon on A Week of Genealogy.

Bite-Sized Family History: Upgrading to Professional Photobooks by Marian B. Wood on Climbing My Family Tree.

The Joy of a Genealogy Society Volunteer on Ancestral Findings.

Finally! A cM slider for Chromosome Maps by Jonny Perl on DNA Painter Blog.

So, You Want to Become a Professional Genetic Genealogist by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained.

History Hub Tutorial hosted by Lisa Louise Cooke on Genealogy Gems.

B.C. First Nation says 40 unmarked graves found around former residential school, Canadian Press, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Shattered Lives: British Home Children in Prince Albert by Joan Champ, Daily Herald, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.

Local woman helps people ‘find the truth’ about their roots by Kathy Hunt, Orillia Matters, Ontario.

Archaeological digs to take place at old Royal Vic site after Kanien’kehá:ka elders strike deal, CBC News, Montreal, Quebec.

The Island Where New York City Buries Its Unclaimed Dead Is Becoming a Park by Teresa Nowakowski, Smithsonian Magazine, Washington, DC.

Adopted Louisianans celebrate La. law granting access to original birth certificates by Alena Noakes, KALB, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Photos, letters found during arrest returned to family after social media search by Kelly Werthmann, CBS News, Colorado.

For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.

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