The last week of the month appears to be a quieter time for Ontario Ancestors, with one branch hosting a virtual presentation and another hosting a hybrid meeting. Both are free and open to the public.
The times are in Eastern time.
Monday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. — Toronto Branch
Navigating Holocaust Resources Online by Kaye Prince-Hollenberg
Genealogist Kaye Prince-Hollenberg will show us the various resources available online for tracing Holocaust victims, survivors, and displaced persons. Learn how to navigate and piece together the records available from a myriad of sources including Yad Vashem, the JDC, the Arolsen Archives, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and smaller, regional repositories. We will also look at databases that include records related to concentration camps, and ongoing efforts to document victims in towns and cities.
We’ll begin the evening with a mini-presentation by Linda Reid: Have You Considered Big Y DNA Testing? Linda will present some (mostly) light-hearted suggestions of why you might consider Big Y DNA testing for some of your family lines.
Hybrid meeting. Register to watch via Zoom.
Tuesday, April 25, 7:00 p.m. — Wellington County Branch
Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is Changing Family History Research by Dave Obee
So you have spit into a tube — now what? Genetic genealogy is a natural progression from what family historians have been doing for years. Here are some genetic genealogy success stories, backed by documented research. These examples might give you ideas for different ways to research your own ancestry or inspire you to do a DNA test. It includes a basic summary of research using DNA and offers pointers on how to get more value from your tests. Register.