Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Exploring First World War Files online at LAC: A Top 10 List by Linda Yip on Past Presence.
Canadiana Serials Update by John Reid on Anglo-Celtic Connections.
My Visit to the Wellington Archives by Cindi Moynahan Foreman on My Moynahan Genealogy Blog.
495 Free Online Historical Photo Archives from Canada and 4,105 Free Online Historical Photo Archives from the U.S. by Kenneth R. Marks on The Ancestor Hunt.
Research Finds in the Graveyard, Part 2 by Leah Grandy on Atlantic Loyalist Connections.
The Woodland Escape Channel Talks Loyalists by Diane Tibert on Roots to the Past.
Recent additions to National Library of Scotland maps platform by Chris Paton on Scottish GENES.
Dublin City Surveyors Maps, 1695-1827: 130+ maps now at DRI by Claire Santry on Irish Genealogy News.
Records of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Reconstruction of Black Families by Bob Nowatzki on Rediscovering Black History.
About Those SS-5s by Judy G. Russell on The Legal Genealogist.
Left Behind – A Project Opening up Little Known Holocaust Histories as Well as New Tools on EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project).
Russian Empire Rules Mean Research Opportunities Today – An 1852 Explanation by Lara Diamond on Lara’s Jewnealogy.
Genealogy, slavery and the digital archive by Malik Al Nasir on University of Cambridge Newsletter.
Is Ancestry Missing Your Ancestors? by Amy Johnson Crow on Amy Johnson Crow.
Irish Marriage Records On Find My Past by Margaret O’Brien on Data Mining DNA.
Beyond Photo Boxes: Top 10 Archival Products for Family Photo Projects by Kate Jacus on Organizing Photos.
Sitting Bull’s Hair Confirms Relationship With Great-Grandson by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained.
Genealogical society unearths buried headstones at Windsor Grove Cemetery by Taylor Campbell, Windsor Star, Ontario.
Here’s what we know about Ontario’s oldest European cemetery, CBC, Windsor, Ontario.
Gone and forgotten: The history buried in Nova Scotia’s abandoned cemeteries by Adina Bresge, Canadian Press.
A grave stone, lost for decades, is found outside Anderson pub: How the mystery was solved by Mike Ellis, Anderson Independent Mail, Anderson County, South Carolina.
John Baker memorial unveiled at Cornwall Community Museum by Shawna O’Neill, Standard-Freeholder, Cornwall, Ontario.
For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.