Photos of deceased veterans on Virtual Wall of Honour on YouTube

Today, November 11, Canada will honour its deceased veterans in an outdoor display of their photos, projected near the National War Memorial in Ottawa, before the start of the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

For those unable to be in Ottawa today, a video of the images is available on YouTube.

As a way to honour and remember relatives and friends who have served Canada in a wars, Canadians were invited to forward a photo of a deceased veteran by November 1 to Dominion Command to be included on the Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance this year and in subsequent years.

Thanks to Anna M. for telling us about the YouTube video on the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group.

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4 Responses to Photos of deceased veterans on Virtual Wall of Honour on YouTube

  1. Janie Best says:

    Could you please give out the email for Dominion Commandso I can send photos. Thanks

  2. Patty Marchington says:

    The Legion has indicated that they will add photos received now, for next year and add to the growing memorial already there.

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