Ontario Ancestors hosts four virtual presentations this week

As we head into summer this week, three branches at Ontario Ancestors and a special interest group will host a virtual presentation. All are open to the public. Three are free, one has a small fee for non-members, and one is hybrid.

The following times are in Eastern time.

Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 p.m. — Nipissing District Branch
Exploring Ontario Civil BMD Records by Ken McKinlay

Sooner or later, those researching their relatives in Ontario will be looking for the birth, marriage, and death registrations of their kin. In this presentation we will be looking at what can be found, the changes over the years to the various forms, “gotchas” we may encounter, and research tips to find the records for those elusive ancestors. Register to watch online.

Thursday, June 20, 7:00 p.m. — British Home Children SIG
Home Children Immigration and Their Lives by David Hemmings

This webinar with slides will be similar to the presentation already on the Niagara on the Lake Museum website which discusses the contributions of Maria Rye and the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society between 1868 and 1914, during which time 5,300 children (mostly girls) were brought to Canada. The slides will also include information on the National Children’s Home in Hamilton, through which 3,200 more children (mostly boys) were brought to Canada. The slides will include placement demographics for most of the children, and the full lives of 1,400 girls. Note: This body of work took the author over four years to complete.

This webinar is open to society members for free. Non-members can attend the live webinar and access the recording for two weeks afterward for $10. Register here.

Friday, June 21, 7:00 p.m. — Niagara Peninsula Branch
Niagara Peninsula Branch Website by Steve Fulton

Steve Fulton will guide attendees through the wealth of resources available on the Niagara Peninsula Branch’s website, showcasing how these tools can aid in genealogical research and help uncover your family history. Register to watch online.

Saturday, June 22, 1:00 p.m. — Quinte Branch
Researching at Quinte Branch by Terry Buttler

In this session, we will:

    • Introduce our research team and provide a video introduction to the library!
    • Illustrate best practices for preparing a research query that can be sent to our team.
    • Show you how to submit a research question, and what resources can be used from the comfort of your home.
    • Introduce some unique Quinte Branch key resources, such as the QBOGS Library CatalogueFIND-ITSIL, and demonstrate how to use them, with real-life research questions from people.
    • Describe the digital library content vs paper-based materials.

A wonderful array of research material and resources are available at the Quinte Branch library, including many family histories.

    • Local newspaper entries – we capture obits, etc. in the Belleville Intelligencer newspaper and other local resources.
    • Gerald Belanger collection (4 volumes available on the OGS Marketplace); Gerald spent years collecting newspaper clippings of obits, etc. from various local newspapers around Hastings County, especially along the Highway 7 area.
    • John Brebner Genealogies of particular interest for those in and from Prince Edward County of the leading historic surnames in the Quinte area, from the late 1700s to the present.
    • Affiliate Library status by the FamilySearch organization. This means that source files that could only be viewed in an LDS Family History Centre can also be viewed in our research library.
    • Ancestry database access. Quinte West Public Library has provided free access that can also viewed in our research library.
    • Help – need more help, send us an email. We are here to help.

This is a hybrid presentation. To attend in person in the Multipurpose Room at the Quinte West Public Library, send an email to Kathryn at quinteprogramme@ogs.on.ca. Or register to watch online.

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