Ontario Ancestors issues call for webinar speakers

Canada’s largest genealogical society, Ontario Ancestors, is now accepting proposals for its monthly 2024 Webinar Series.

The live, members-only webinars will take place the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Easter time, using the Zoom platform.

They invite proposals on a wide range of topics. As guidance and information, the top subjects from Ontario Ancestors’ recent survey on webinar topics are:

  1. Methods and Tools for Research — Where to Research – Archives, Digital Collections, Municipalities, Public Libraries, Universities, Organizing and Storing Digital & Physical Records, Research Methodology and Procedures (proof standards, citation, copyright…), DNA/Genetic Genealogy – Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced, Research Planning/Execution – effective and efficient.
  2. Preserving and Communicating Our Family History — Writing/Publishing Your Family History, Preserving Family Heirlooms and Photographs, Personal Legacy and Genealogy Will, Contributing to Your Genealogy Community (indexing, transcribing, donating, volunteering, mentoring, researching), Writing/Publishing Using Digital Media – Blogs, Social Media, Websites.
  3. Records for Research — Land Records (Ontario and Canada), County-specific Research Resources, Immigration Records, Newspapers, Cemeteries, Religious Records.
  4. Researching Ethnic, Religious and Cultural Communities — Protestant Ancestors, Female Ancestors/Women’s History, Catholic Ancestors, Quaker Ancestors, Indigenous Ancestors.

They are also looking for topics on intermediate to advanced levels.

It’s important to note that selected speakers need to be prepared to provide Ontario and/or Canadian specific examples in their presentations as applicable.

The submission deadline is October 2, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.

Speakers may submit up to three proposals for consideration. All submissions will be reviewed, but only those who are chosen will be contacted by October 24, 2023. All other submissions will be retained and reviewed throughout the year for potential series, mini-conferences or special topic webinars in the future.

To submit your proposal, visit Ontario Ancestors’ website.

Chosen speakers will receive an honorarium for their webinar presentation.

If you have any questions, contact Kim Barnsdale at webinar@ogs.on.ca.

Speakers who don’t live in Ontario may benefit from reading my blog post, Top 10 ways to deliver a better genealogy presentation in another country, province, state or city.

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