Looking for naturalization records for Canada, the United States, Britain, Australia, or New Zealand? You should take a look at the website, NaturalizationRecords.com, that Lorine McGinnis Shulze of Olive Tree Genealogy has revised and re-designed.
She has simplified the website layout and made it easier to navigate to help people find their ancestors in the naturalization records.
On the website, visitors will find links, original documents, and indexes of names for naturalization records, passports, alien registrations, and other categories.
Before January 1, 1947, British immigrants in Canada did not need to be naturalized, so you won’t find any naturalization documents for them in Canadian records.
Ms. Schulze explains the Canadian situation on her website, “From 1763 to (January 1, 1947), people born in the provinces and colonies of British North America were all British subjects. Taking the oath of allegiance meant becoming a British subject. Thus immigrants from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (England, Ireland, Wales or Scotland) did not have to be naturalized.”