Webinar tonight — Upper Canadian justice

Ontario Ancestors ends a strong year of free monthly webinars with Upper Canadian Justice, presented by Linda Corupe, tonight, December 5, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.

The records associated with the administration of justice in early Upper Canada (Ontario) are an often overlooked and misunderstood genealogical resource. This lecture will discuss the various types of court records available, the differences between them, how to access them, and what information can be obtained from each. Supplementary records such as jail registers and newspaper articles will also be discussed.

Register to watch the live webinar. A recording of this webinar will be available afterward for Ontario Ancestors members.

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One Response to Webinar tonight — Upper Canadian justice

  1. Howland Davis says:

    I almost deleted this notice quickly but something said to look at it. Living in Ohio but with ancestors in northern New England in the early 1700s, I quickly realized that Upper Canadian did not refer to Northwest Territories or Nunavut and that I should pay attention. Thanks for the notice.

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