BC History Digitization Program call for submissions

The BC History Digitization Program (BCHDP) is now accepting submissions for project funding. The program, launched in 2006 by the University of British Columbia’s Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, provides matching funds to support projects that make unique British Columbia content freely available.

Source: University of British Columbia.

The BCHDP will be accepting applications for 2019 – 2020. Applicants can receive up to $15,000 of matching funds for their projects. Multi-year projects are accepted while each year of a project must still go through the adjudication process.

In 2018, the program awarded more than $170,000 for 18 projects. Since its inception in 2006, the BCHDP has awarded more than $2 million of matching funds for more than 240 projects.

Applications are due by December 17, 2018. Information about the application process, as well as the guidelines, application form, and lists of past grant recipients are available on the BCHDP website.

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