Savoir faire — Manitoba Genealogical Society branch redesigns website

The Southwest Branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society (MGS) in Brandon has redesigned its website, and they have done a nice job. The Home page is appealing and easy to navigate. It highlights key points and is mobile friendly.

The website layout has been changed from a vertical format to a modern, horizontal format. The site is powered by WordPress.

The Southwest Branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society’s new website design is mobile friendly.

While browsing the site, I noticed the Celebrating Our Roots workshop, taking place on April 22. These are some of the highlights:

Keynote – Favourite Methods for Researching Family Roots: Using Online and Offline Resources – Gordon Goldsborough

Break-out Sessions
A) A Beginner’s Guide to East European Genealogy – Lisa Haji Abbasi
B) United Empire Loyalists – Barb Andrew
C) Looking Back at the Footprints of My Ancestors; Looking Ahead, A Vision for My Grandchildren – Deborah Tacan

Using DNA and Online Family Tree Furthering Your Family History Research – Lesley Anderson

Break-out Sessions
D) Back to Baba’s Village – Eastern European – Lisa Haji Abbasi
E) Métis Genealogy Research – Les Branconnier
F) British Home Children – Ralph Jackson

Keeping Musical Traditions Alive” Drummers – Susie McPherson-Derendy
Register Now

Annual Heritage Dinner – Gordon Goldsborough will talk about his new book, Abandoned Manitoba.

The Southwest Branch was chartered as part of MGS in 1978 as the Brandon and District Branch and was later renamed Southwest Branch to reflect the geographical area of Manitoba that is represented by the branch. The branch’s boundaries are the US border in the south, the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border in the west, Riding Mountain National Park to the north, and a line to the east running north/south, west of the city of Portage La Prairie.

Nice work, Southwest Branch!

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