New books in LAC’s genealogical collection

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has acquired several of books that may help genealogists research their family history.

Below are some of the books, with my translation/explanation inside square brackets.

To see the full list, read LAC’s blog post, New books in the Genealogy Services Collection at 395 Wellington Street—March 2016.

The Linossier and Montagnon family pioneers in the Interlake region: homesteading – R.M. of Eriksdale, Manitoba, Canada by John Paul Linossier

Fegan’s homes newsletters. Volume 10: the Red Lamp 1913-1920 compiled by Douglas V. Fry & Fawne Stratford-Devai [British Home Children]

La population des forts français d’Amérique, XVIIIe siècle : répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures célébrés dans les forts et les établissements français en Amérique du Nord au XVIIIe siècle : volume 3 – Détroit by Marthe Faribault-Beauregard [The population of America’s French forts, 18th century: collection of baptisms, marriages, and burials in the forts and the French establishments in North America in the 18th century: volume 3. Note: Includes some census listings and short histories of the forts.]

Les Filles du Roy de 1663 : recueil de biographies des 36 premières Filles du Roy arrivées en Nouvelle-France by Irène Belleau [The Filles du roy of 1663: collection of biographies of the first 36 Filles du roy who arrived in New France]

Les premiers Audet dit Lapointe d’Amérique by Guy Saint-Hilaire [The first Audet dit Lapointes in America]

Dictionnaire généalogique des familles Thériault : descendance de Claude, 1601-2011 by Camille Albert [Genealogical dictionary of the Thériault families: descendants of Claude, 1601-2011]

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