FamilySearch recently added Ontario Births, 1869 – 1910, and Nova Scotia Delayed Births, 1837 – 1904.
You can search the Ontario civil birth records by first name, last name, and place or browse the more than two million records by year. (In addition to these records, Ancestry’s database includes 1911, 1912, and 1913.) On July 1, 1869, a provincial act went into effect to register births, marriages, and deaths. Before that date, births were not covered by civil authorities.
The Nova Scotia delayed births can also be searched by name and place or you can browse the more than 70,000 images by year. These records include delayed birth registrations from the Archives of Nova Scotia. Civil authorities began recording delayed birth registrations in 1876. Certificates are not always in chronological order. There are often miscellaneous certificates with varying dates at the end of a volume. Note that the Nova Scotia Archives’ delayed birth registrations cover a broader period, from 1830 to 1914.