Forgotten Loyalist cemetery may be in New Brunswick

A genealogist and author in Saint John, New Brunswick believes he has found evidence of a long-forgotten Loyalist cemetery on the city’s waterfront.

According to a CBC report, “Graeme Somerville said he has suspected there was another Loyalist cemetery somewhere in the city and he said he believes he has evidence pointing to a location in the lower south end.”

Mr. Somerville found an 1838 petition to Saint John city council asking that a fence erected by the military be removed so public access to the waterfront and a graveyard could resume. He also points to “records showing a British gun emplacement near the western end of Vulcan Street marked on early documents as the Graveyard Battery and nearby was the Graveyard Breakwater.”

Read more about this story in the CBC report.

Thanks to Brian McConnell for sharing this story on Facebook.

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