Lisa Alzo continues to share this month as she encourages us to learn and write about our female ancestors.
In her latest post on her blog, The Accidental Genealogist, Ms. Alzo has made the recording of her webinar, Silent Voices: Tips and Tricks for Tracing Female Ancestors, available for free. She is doing this to celebrate National Women’s History Month in the United States. (Women’s History Month takes place in Canada in October, but watch it now. Don’t wait till then.)
This is the description of the 45-minute webinar: “While most historical records have been created for and are about men, making it more challenging to research the women in your family tree. In this webinar you’ll learn about key records for locating maiden names, as well as some unique resources pertaining to women, and the importance of documenting your female ancestors, including many suggestions for how to create meaningful lasting tributes to their lives.”
Visit The Accidental Genealogist blog to watch the webinar.