“Connect with FGS” debuts this Thursday

Connect with FGS debuts Thursday, November 6 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. The Federation of Genealogical Societies is starting a monthly Google+ Hangout on Air (HOA) — but don’t panic, you will also be able to watch it on YouTube and you will be able to watch a recorded version at your convenience.

FGS logoConnect with FGS will be a 30-minute show broadcast on the first Thursday of the month. The HOAs between now and February will focus on the FGS 2015 conference scheduled for February 11–14 in Salt Lake City, but other FGS news and events will also be discussed.

Co-hosted by FGS Marketing Chair Caroline Pointer and FGS 2015 Conference Marketing Chair Linda McCauley, the format will be a casual interview with different guests each month. Guests will include members of the conference committee, folks planning to attend, and some of your favorite speakers.

This Thursday, special guests will be Cyndi Ingle of Cyndi’s List, J. Mark Lowe, and Paula Stuart-Warren.

You can watch Connect with FGS live from the FGS YouTube Channel or from the FGS Google+ Event.

If you cannot watch live, each episode will be recorded and available anytime on the FGS YouTube Channel.

More details on the FGS Voice blog.

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