This week’s webinars may help you with your research. Since a webinar has a limited amount of space, it is a good idea to sign in several minutes before it starts to get a “seat.”
Tuesday, September 16, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time
Norwegian Genealogy: A ten step program to help you get started and addicted! with Jerry Paulson. Presented by the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society. Register here.
Wednesday, September 17, 9:00 p.m. Eastern time
It’s NOT About Zombies: Doing Cemetery Research with Jean Wilcox Hibben.
Get tips on finding cemeteries (using Internet searches), properly documenting findings, and conducting on-site search explorations. Presented by the Southern California Genealogical Society. Register here.
Thursday, September 18, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time
Your Anytime Library: Success in the Virtual Stacks with Paula Stuart-Warren.
Rather research than count sheep? Peruse books at any hour without starting the car or breaking into the library? County, town, and family histories, record abstracts, and more await. Digitized, photocopied, excerpted, abstracted, OCRd, and indexed books provide a strong likelihood of success via your computer and that medium called the Internet. Add newspapers, documents, family trees, pension records, periodicals, and more to the accessible items and you might be housebound for days (months?). This presentation is part of the Florida State Genealogical Society’s Poolside Chat series. Register here.