Free American Ancestors webinar — Organizational tools and tips to break down brick walls

American Ancestors, also known as The New England Historic Genealogical Society, will host the free webinar, Setting Yourself Up for Success: Organizational Tools and Tips to Break Down Brick Walls, presented by Rhonda R. McClure, today, August 15, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time.

When researching family history, it can be easy to get swept up in the discoveries you’re making and to forget to stay organized. You may think you’ll remember your initial research goals, the information you found, and the sources you used—but chances are you’ll soon find yourself in a sea of information and unanswered questions wondering how to proceed! Staying organized is essential for breaking down genealogical brick walls. In this online lecture, Senior Genealogist Rhonda R. McClure will share her top tips for staying organized. She’ll discuss how to create a research plan, maintain a research log, organize digital files, and more.

Register to watch the webinar.

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