Opportunity to attend Ontario Ancestors’ conference virtually

Ontario Ancestors has put together a Virtual Bundle for those unable to attend their June conference in person. It includes 18 pre-recorded sessions, syllabus material, and three plenary sessions.

Priced at a reasonable $49, the Virtual Bundle offers:

Bonus tracks — 18+ hours of pre-recorded sessions, most of which are in addition to the in-person conference program

Conference Syllabus – Access to the downloadable collection of all of the presentation materials from each of the weekend’s unrecorded live sessions

Plenary Recordings – View recordings of three live plenary sessions, after the conference closes:

Hall of Ancestors – Add your family information and access the world map and database to see if you can connect with any cousins.

Access to the recordings and all of the above materials will be available from June 14 until August 1, 2024. Learn more on the Virtual Bundle conference web page.

Hybrid Virtual Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day
Also available online will be Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day. The speakers are Blaine Bettinger, Daniel Horowitz, Stephen Little, and Jonny Perl. You can also choose to attend the day in person.

The cost of AI Day, whether attending in-person or virtually, is $99.

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