This week’s Ontario Ancestors webinars feature preparing for changes in genealogy research and Eastern Europe

During this last full week in January, there are only two virtual presentations from Ontario Ancestors’ branches. The good news is both are free, open to the public, and delivered by popular speakers.

All times are in Eastern time.

Monday, January 22, 7:30 p.m. — Toronto Branch
The Road Ahead: A Genealogical Pot-Pourri by Dave Obee

The past few years have given family historians more change than ever before — and the rate of transformation is bound to increase in the years to come. Genealogists need to be ready. How do we do that? Easy!

Remember the basics of genealogical research, and live them every time you work on your ancestral challenges. Do not — repeat, do not — be fooled or distracted by the latest bright shiny things, which could be online trees, new websites or documents manipulated by artificial intelligence. Register to watch online.

Sunday, January 28, 2:00 p.m. –Halton-Peel Branch
Just Can’t Get Enough of Eastern Europe by Eva Kujawa

For those of you who heard Eva introduce Eastern European genealogy last year, you will be pleased to know that she is back. Eva will give a more detailed account of how to search for often confusing civil registration and church records, deciphering different languages and alphabets, and how to understand the many migration records in Eastern Europe. Register to watch online.

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