Interested in sending an old postcard to family and friends this holiday season?
More than 800,000 vintage postcards are available free online at Geneanet, including more than 6,000 Christmas and New Year’s cards.
Geneanet has made it easy to find season’s greetings cards. They recently created a new category dedicated to Christmas and New Year’s cards.
To see the postcards, click on the menu item, Postcards. Next, click on the More criteria link under the search bar and in the More criteria section, select “Christmas and New Year” in the dropdown list.
You will find more than 6,000 cards from the previous century, which should be more than enough to bring a touch of originality to your holiday messages.
To download the postcard of your choice, do a right-click on each image to download it. You can then send the image to your loved ones by email, upload them to social media, or print them to send my regular mail.
You’ll be able to see a number of holiday postcards using the link above. To see all the postcards, you’ll need to sign up for a free account.