1931 Census of Canada is now indexed and searchable on Ancestry!

In rapid time, Ancestry has released its index for the 1931 Census of Canada, making it searchable.

This means we can now search the census for relatives on Ancestry.ca by name, birth year, residence place, family member names, marital status, and gender.

This is the first Canadian census that asked if the household had a radio.

According to Dave Obee, the index went live last night at about 10:00 p.m. Pacific time.

To search the 1931 Census of Canada for free on Ancestry.ca, you need to set up a free account. No credit card info is required.

Ancestry was able to produce the index, using its handwriting recognition (HWR) technology. Without HWR, it took five months to index the 1921 Census of Canada.

Last year, Ancestry used HWR to index the 1950 US Census, with more than 150 million people, in nine days. (The 1931 Census of Canada has 10 million names.)

Happy searching!

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