During May, FamilySearch added more than 49 million new indexed family history records from 46 different countries to its free online archives. More than 14 million records were added for Germany (Posen, Prussia), and collections from Brazil, Canada, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States each received over a million records.
New Canadian collections
Canada Border Entry Lists, 1908-1918 — 939,553 records. These are border entry lists into Canada. Most lists are monthly returns of names of people immigrating to Canada from the United States and are arranged by the border ports of entry.
Canada Immigration Records, 1919-1924 — 744,980 records. These are immigration records documenting ocean arrivals to Canada.
Expanded Canadian collections
Ontario Tax Assessment Rolls, 1834-1899 — 1,108,971 additional records for a total of more than 6.2 million
Canada Registers of Chinese Immigration to Canada, 1885-1949 — 54,235 additional records for a total of almost 66,500 records
New collections
Other new collections include France, Pyrénées-Orientales, Parish and Civil Registration, 1451-1897 (2 million records), Germany, Prussia, Posen, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1430-1998 (14.5 million records), and Oregon, Military Discharge Records, 1919-1967 (11,600 records).
See the full list of updates in FamilySearch’s news release.