Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Charlie Chaplin goes to war — Part II: Going beyond a First World War record for your genealogy research by Emily Potter on Library and Archives Canada Blog.
The Loyalists at BAnQ Numérique by Jacques Gagné on Genealogy Ensemble.
Additional Serials added to Canadiana in October and OS Town Plans of England and Wales by John Reid on Anglo-Celtic Connections.
Veterans History Project for Genealogy by Nancy Loe on Sassy Jane Genealogy.
Genealogy back to front by John Grenham on Irish Roots.
Irish Courts And Prison Records For Genealogy Research by Margaret O’Brien on Data Mining DNA.
Applying What I’ve Learned in My One-Place Study to Genealogy Research, Part 1 by Linda Stufflebean on Empty Branches on the Family Tree.
WATO or Not to WATO – What is the Question? by Robin Wirthlin on Family Locket.
How to Join a Project at FamilyTreeDNA – And Why You Want To by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained.
Give Winnipeg’s history a fit home, Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba.
‘The people’s story’: Winnipeg’s archives could move back downtown by Rosanna Hempel, Global News, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Naming the dead: B.C. man unravels the mysteries of veterans buried in unmarked graves by Karin Larsen, CBC, British Columbia.
Calgary Goodwill reunites soldier’s grandson with war medals by Hannah Kost, CBC, Calgary, Alberta.
Kennebunk Free Library completes digital conversion of historic newspapers, Portland Press Herald, Maine.
For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.