By the time you read this, the first all-virtual RootsTech conference should be live — and it’s all free.
The world’s largest family history discovery event, RootsTech Connect 2021, taking place from February 25 to 27, kicked off yesterday at 9:00 p.m. Mountain time.

Usually hosted in Salt Lake City or London, RootsTech is an annual international event that has drawn people worldwide who are seeking to make family connections.
For the past 10 years, research experts, companies, and attendees gather to provide tech solutions, share genealogical expertise, and offer discovery tips and hacks to tens of thousands of ardent and curious ancestral roots seekers.
Registration required
You must register for free to participate in many of the experiences and view on-demand session at RootsTech Connect 2021.
All-virtual event
Because of the pandemic, the challenge was to go virtual and create an online platform that would deliver RootsTech’s in-person, highly sociable, and interactive experience in 11 languages, simultaneously across all time zones, 24 hours a day for three days. The RootsTech Connect team believes they’ve done it.
More than 500,000 people from 237 countries and territories have already registered for the free buffet of celebrity keynote speakers, the thousands of sessions, and chat opportunities that celebrate family connections and help make family history discoveries fun.
The sessions will be available to watch when you want for a year, so there’s no need to panic about watching dozens of sessions in three days.
Attendees can watch content “live” on the main stage, interact with vendors virtually in the Expo Hall, see if they are related to any of the hundreds of thousands of attendees globally, get one-on-one family history help, or experiment with fun, new tech ideas in the Innovators Portal.
Highlights of the RootsTech Connect 2021 all-virtual platform
Main Stage. RootsTech Connect will feature uplifting messages from celebrity keynote speakers and industry experts from around the world. It will be broadcast 24 hours a day for three days in 11 languages.
My Playlist. With nearly 2,000 sessions and other video assets, you won’t be able to watch everything you want in the three days of RootsTech — even if you are an insomniac. The Playlist feature (somewhat like Netflix) allows you to easily add content of interest into your personalized playlist on the site. You will have until the next RootsTech event to enjoy your selections.
Explore Sessions. Content is compiled with a variety of tags or categories, so you can quickly find content that pertains to your needs or interests. You can search by language; geographic region; speaker; Finding Living Family; Ancestors; DNA; Researching Places and Records; Memories—Stories, Photos, and Video; Traditions and Heritage; Websites, Tech Tools and Apps; and Entertainment and Events.
Tip: Many sessions have a downloadable resource or syllabus. Scroll past the Playlist button for each session to see if a document is available.
Expo Hall. Companies with family history-related products and services from around the world will help you discover your unique story. Explore new product demonstrations, receive personal assistance, and take advantage of exclusive opportunities. When on the Expo Hall web page, click on View Demo Theater to see new products and get hands-on instruction, which you can add to your Playlist.
Tip: Look for discount coupons. For example, Legacy Family Tree Webinars has a coupon for 50% off a one-year subscription — for new subscribers only — which is good through to Sunday. (A new subscriber is anyone who doesn’t have a subscription at this time.)
Innovators Portal. If you like to know the latest innovative technology in the family history and genealogy product segment, look for this feature in the drop-down Menu. Watch emerging product demos and be among the first to “test drive” some of them.
Relatives at RootsTech (Connect). The essence of RootsTech is making fun, inspiring family connections. Who better to connect with than your own relatives worldwide? RootsTech attendees, if they choose, will be able to discover and start connecting with relatives attending RootsTech. With hundreds of thousands of registrants, the possibilities of making a connection are high.
Guide Me. Not sure where to start? The Guide Me feature compiles popular sessions on various topics for you, for example, Getting Started, Discovery, or Archivist.
Overwhelmed by all the viewing choices? In her blog post, RootsTech Connect – the pick of the talks and the final countdown, Debbie Kennett provides a list of recommended talks, and look for both of her sessions as well. The MyHeritage Blog also has suggestions.