The Campbell River Genealogy Society on Vancouver Island will hold a fall virtual seminar over two Saturdays in November.

Saturday, November 7
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific time
Family Reconstitution – Why should family historians trace the siblings of their ancestors? What are the benefits of doing so? presented by Eunice Robinson.
This session will explore the reasons and the benefits of taking a ‘more encompassing’ view of the family.
11:00 a.m. – noon Pacific time
Where Should I Put My Family History? presented by Eunice Robinson.
One of the biggest dilemmas facing family historians is what to do with my research when I’m no longer here. What format? Who to leave it to? Public or private? These questions and more will be answered during this session.
Saturday, November 14
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific time
Trusting Your Sources – How Do You Know You’ve Found the Right Record? presented by Marie Palmer.
You’ve worked hard to collect records for your ancestors, but how do you know you have the right records for the right people? This session/talk gives tips on how to evaluate records to ensure your research is top-notch. We’ll also discuss a compelling case study that seemed watertight… until it wasn’t.
11:00 a.m. – noon Pacific time
DNA Testing for Genealogy presented by Marie Palmer.
Find out about the different types of DNA testing that are available and which might be best for your needs. We’ll talk about ethnicity estimates, privacy issues and how to use your results and matches to help break through brick walls in your family tree.
The registration fee for all four presentations is $25, and it is due Saturday, October 31. Information about how to register and where to pay are on the society’s website.