Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Chinese Immigration Act Case Files: Finding aids at LAC by Linda Yip on Past Presence.
Japanese Canadian internment: Over 40,000 pages and 180 photographs digitized by the DigiLab by Gabrielle Nishiguchi on Library and Archives Canada Blog.
Saskatchewan Ancestors: “Saskatchewan History” Magazine by Candice McDonald on Finding Your Canadian Story.
The Woman In the Photograph – Uncovering the Truth About My Native Ancestry by Rachel Cyr on Walk My Past.
Genealogy FAQs : Finding Family in Canada by Penny Allen on UK to Canada Genealogy.
Researching African American Ancestors in Government Documents Part 2: Land and Military Records by Diana Elder on Family Locket.
PRONI is indexing Northern Ireland’s tithe applotment records and TheGenealogist doubles the number of English Tithe Maps by Chris Paton on Scottish GENES.
Book Review: New Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy by John D. Reid on Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections.
Irish towns and atlases by Sheilagh Doerfler on Vita Brevis.
Dutch Genealogy News for August 2020 by Yvette Hoitink on Dutch Genealogy.
Notes and Comments on Ancestry by Dianne Nolin on Genealogy: Beyond the BMD.
The Plan Was……. by Valerie Hughes on Genealogie With Valerie.
Finishing Touches for Family History: Think Like a Reader! by Marian B. Wood on Climbing My Family Tree.
Federation of Genealogical Societies Announces 2020 Awards by George C. Morgan on The Genealogy Guys.
AncestryDNA, Longest Shared Segment and Timber by Diahan Southard on Your DNA Guide.
The AncestryDNA matching updates have now been completed by Debbie Kennett on Cruwys News.
AncestryDNA’s Inconsistent cM Totals on Genealogical Musings.
P.E.I. historian honoured for work he’s done on Acadian history, Journal Pioneer, Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
‘Can anyone help?’: Toronto woman searches for owner of mysterious photos by Phil Tsekouras, CTV, Toronto, Ontario.
Seeing Family History Through Memorabilia by Mary Pat Mackenzie, Falmouth Enterprise, Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Petition launched to get 1926 Irish census online by 2022, IrishCentral, New York, New York.
New online resources help Indigenous people trace ancestors by Rachael Knowles, National Indigenous Times, Mosman Park, Western Australia, Australia.
For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.