Learn to create a daily writing habit in 29 days

For the tenth year in a row, Lynn Palermo will help genealogists write about their ancestors in the Family History Writing Challenge, taking place daily throughout February.

Ms. Palermo says, “The challenge is a wonderful opportunity to create a sustainable writing habit for yourself, but also to gain a few new skills to help you write engaging and entertaining stories.” 

This year there will be daily video lessons, ranging from five to ten minutes.

The challenge provides a few steps to get started before February 1, such as deciding on the story to write, gathering the research, and setting a goal for how much to write each day. Goal-setting examples include as little as 30 minutes or 500 words a day.

Learn more about the writing challenge and where to sign up here. There’s also a Facebook group to provide encouragement and support — but you have to sign up for the challenge first in order to receive the link.

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