Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.
Top 12 tips on getting the most out of (for Canada, for free) by Linda Yip on Past Presence.
Diaries Found at Provincial Archives by Candice McDonald on Finding Your Canadian Story.
Our AAO presentation on stewarding Ontario’s local news by Allana on Our Digital World.
LAC Planning a Newspaper Summit and British Postcard Images Free by John D. Reid on Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections.
The founding of New Brunswick by Valerie Casbourn on Library and Archives Canada Blog.
Use Death Records to Expand Genealogical Research by Jennifer on Rookie Genealogy.
The Tithe Applotment by Donna Moughty on Irish Family Roots.
National Archives of Ireland repository redevelopment by 2040 by Chris Paton on The GENES Blog.
The Value of Comparing Two DNA Kits on GEDmatch Genesis by Andy Lee on Family History Fanatics.
Was the Acadian expulsion a genocide? New committee to explore that question by Michael MacDonald, Canadian Press.
Oldest gravestone in Middlesex County discovered at London cemetery by Hala Ghonaim, CBC, London, Ontario.
Most genealogists stumble on to criminals. Gwen Kubberness looks for them by Tom Collins, NewsTribune, Lasalle, Illinois.
Grave markers’ work available on website by Shannon Verhagen, Western Australian, Perth, Western Australia.
Fears large chunks of Australia’s 20th century history could be lost forever unless priceless film archive is digitised by 2025 by Stephen Johnson, Daily Mail, London, England.
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