MyHeritage is hosting a live genealogy seminar at its headquarters in Or Yehuda, Israel this Wednesday. If you’re not in the area, but still want to attend classes taught by genealogical educators Thomas MacEntee, Daniel Horowitz and Garri Regev, you can attend the live, free broadcasts via Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Registration, full webinar descriptions, and free handouts are on the Legacy Family Tree Webinars website.
8:15 a.m. Eastern time
Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 Minute Increments presented by Thomas MacEntee. Includes handout.
9:15 a.m. Eastern time
New Advanced Features and Technologies presented by Daniel Horowitz.
10:30 a.m. Eastern time
City Directories: No Town Too Small, No Clue Too Little presented by Thomas MacEntee. Most of the links in the handout are for US city directories. To find Canadian directories, visit the Genealogy à la carte Genealogy Research Toolbox.
11:30 a.m. Eastern time
APPsolutely Genealogy! presented by Garri Regev.
There is no mention whether these webinars will be recorded for viewing afterward. Genealogists unable to watch the live webinars should check the Webinar Library the next day.
All are available, and are marked as free. Thomas’s sessions even include his handout!