This week’s crème de la crème — February 2, 2019

Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Crème de la crème of genealogy blogsBlogs
The National Archives of France by Jacques Gagné on Genealogy Ensemble.

Sources for researching people in the 1900s by Yvette Hoitink on Dutch Genealogy.

University of Manitoba Digital Collections by John D. Reid on Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections.

Searching for a Barnardo Home Child by Lorine McGinnis Schulze on Olive Tree Genealogy.

Race, Privilege, and the Problem of the Subaltern Franco-American by Patrick Lacroix on Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.

This Straightforward Technique Will Help You Uncover Missed Facts About Your Ancestors by Amanda Sullivan on Family History Daily.

Guide to interviewing relatives like a true detective by Vera Miller on Find Lost Russian & Ukrainian Family.

Opening the DNA floodgates: FTDNA database now wide open to law enforcement by Judy G. Russell on The Legal Genealogist.

FTDNA Opens the Door to the Cops by Dr. Leah Larkin on The DNA Geek.

Bring city history out of exile by Carl DeGurse, Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba.

Les Archives de Montréal mieux sécurisées by Sarah Daoust-Braun, Journal de Montréal, Quebec.

Massive New Database Will Finally Allow Us to Identify Enslaved Peoples and Their Descendants in the Americas by Jason Daley, Smithsonian, Washington, DC.

State Archives expands, welcomes new records by Breanne Kovatch, Boston Globe, Massachusetts.

Secretary of State shows off reasons the state needs a new building for its archives, News Tribune, Tacoma, Washington.

Closing Famine museum, a “slap in the face to the Irish Catholic community,” IrishCentral, New York, New York.

So Where In Armenia Was Your Family From? by Mark Arslan, Armenian Weekly, Watertown, Massachusetts.

For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.

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