Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia presents ‘Legacy of Terry Punch’

When Terry Punch died in April last year, genealogists across Canada mourned the passing of one the country’s greatest family historians and the leading genealogical authority in Nova Scotia.

To honour the memory of their founding president, the Genealogical Society of Nova Scotia (GANS) will hold a special evening, called The Legacy of Terry Punch, on October 23, in Halifax.

Guest speaker Dr. Bruce Elliott, professor at Carleton University, will talk about Mr. Punch’s contributions as an educator, researcher, and champion of Nova Scotia family history for more than 40 years .

Given the impact Mr. Punch made on so many in Nova Scotia, it comes as no surprise that a coalition of societies and organizations has come together to sponsor the event.

The sponsors are Halifax Central Library, Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, South Shore Genealogical Society, Society, Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, Saint Mary’s University Irish Studies, Maritime Institute for Civil Society, and Province of Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage.

Explaining the large number of supporters, GANS President Pamela Wile said, “Terry was well loved.”

Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia by Terrence M. Punch, Nimbus Publishing; [4th ed.], Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1998.

Mr. Punch was born in Halifax and received a BA, B.Ed. and MA degrees from Saint Mary’s University and Dalhousie University, and a BA in journalism from the University of King’s College.

He held executive positions in a variety of organizations, including the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax Charitable Irish Society, and Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes. He was a fellow of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society and the Royal Society of Antiquarians in Ireland.

He was the only Canadian to be elected a Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society. He was also a resident genealogist on CBC Radio and editor of Genealogist’s Handbook for Atlantic Canada Research.

One of his best known works is Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia.

The last line in the citation issued in September 2011 after Mr. Punch became a member of the Order of Canada sums up his contribution to the genealogy world:

“His passion for, and encyclopedic knowledge of, genealogy has helped to educate Canadians on the role that family history plays in understanding the development of our country.”

The GANS tribute event takes place in the Paul O’Regan Hall, Halifax Central Library, Tuesday, October 23, at 6:30 p.m. Free admission. No registration required.

Let’s hope Dr. Elliott will deliver his talk a few more times in order for genealogists across Canada to hear about one of the country’s greatest family historians.

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One Response to Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia presents ‘Legacy of Terry Punch’

  1. Patty Fearon Marchington says:

    Fantastic tribute and well deserved!
    Any chance this talk with be filmed and or streamed for those of us very familiar with Terry’s contribution – so we can see this from afar?
    Thank you

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