Maureen Taylor shows how to find photos on FamilySearch

I learned from the Photo Detective Maureen Taylor’s latest YouTube video about a photo feature available on FamilySearch that is filled with old photos.

I first searched by entering rare and unusual family last names, and I discovered a couple of interesting finds. In the case of more common surnames, I added a first name in the search box.  When searching for both a first and last name, however, it is more effective to put the two names within quotation marks, such as “George Jones.”

In the video, Ms. Taylor shows an example of a photo of Peter Taylor. Next to it are icons for People, Albums, Stories, Details, and Events. Unfortunately, I could not see the icons, and I tried on Chrome and Firefox.


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2 Responses to Maureen Taylor shows how to find photos on FamilySearch

  1. Jean Haverkate Hunter says:

    Are these uploaded photos from around the World or just the States?

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