AGS looking for Western Canadian settlement stories

If you have a story to tell about your ancestors who settled in Western Canada, the Alberta Genealogical Society (AGS) would like to hear from you.

Wayne Shepheard, editor of the society’s quarterly publication, Relatively Speaking, is looking for articles for the November 2016 issue about the settlement of families across the prairie provinces.

Here are some ideas from AGS to help you get started writing about your family’s settlement.

Alberta Genealogical Society_Relatively Speaking bannerThere are many interesting aspects of migration and immigration that may have been part of your family’s decision to come to this part of the world.

  • Tell us about the experiences of your ancestors:
  • Where did they come from?
  • Why did they leave their homes?
  • When did they arrive?
  • How did they travel?
  • Why did they pick Western Canada, and Alberta in particular?
  • What was life like in the early years in their new home?

If you are interested in sending an article, contact the editor at The submission deadline is October 1, 2016.

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