Chris Noth traces his Irish and Canadian roots on Who Do You Think You Are?

To paraphrase IrishCentral, Mr. Big is Mr. Canadian! Mr. Big is Mr. Irish! Sex and the City star Chris Noth travelled to County Cavan last week to trace his Irish roots for the program, Who Do You Think You Are?

According to IrishCentral, “Noth discovered that his great-grandfather was from Cavan, and left home for Canada around 1840. Grandpa’s surname was Maguire, and he was originally from Knockbride.”

As for whether or not the Canadian part of Mr. Noth’s ancestry will make much of an appearance in the storyline, we’ll have to wait for the program to air to find out. But I bet some of you are now looking for Maguires from Knockbride on your family tree.

You can read the rest of the short IrishCentral article here.

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