Drouin Institute’s free online database now holds more than 1.6 million Canadian obits

The Drouin Institute has added 246,000 recent obituaries to its bilingual website GenealogyQuebec for a total of 1,685,650 Canadian obituaries, from 1999 to 2015.

Drouin Institute logoThese obituaries are from more than 250 online sources from across Canada. Access to the obituary database is free. The list of sources is available here.

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11 Responses to Drouin Institute’s free online database now holds more than 1.6 million Canadian obits

  1. Anne says:

    What a wonderful site. Great idea! Thank you.

  2. Bud Dorr says:

    I have a subscription to PRDH (188 hits left). Do I need a subscription to PRDH if I subscribe to this site which seems to contain the PRDH?

    • Gail Dever says:

      I suggest you contact the Drouin Institute to find out. Let us know.

    • mudgekin says:

      I also have several hits left on my non-refundable PRDH account. The Drouin Institute’s Website includes not only the PRDH database (which it now also maintains) but it also provides access to the digital images of the church records that the PRDH is based upon. The Drouin Institute membership is month-to-month, pay as you go. Needless to say, my PRDH membership has pretty much become irrelevant.

  3. Bud Dorr says:

    Here is the exchange with the institute. The most message recent is on top.

    To Webmestre Lafrance
    I’m impressed, both with your patience in explaining this to me and with your reasons for subscribing which I wish to do. Believe it or not, I have no more questions!

    So unless I hear from you, I will go to your site and subscribe using a credit card. I trust this will be an easy task.

    Thanks again for your time and patience. I don’t believe I’ve had a site explained so well.


    From: Webmestre Lafrance
    To: Russell Dorr
    Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 7:03 PM
    Subject: Re : Re: Re : Subscription and PRDH

    Hi again,

    Généalogie Québec offers a multitude of tools and databases, most of which are not available elsewhere. Our main tool, the LAFRANCE, is an index of every single catholic baptism and burial record from 1621 to 1849, and every single catholic marriage record from 1621 to 1914. The LAFRANCE also has all the protestant marriages celebrated in Quebec between 1760 and 1849. All of these records are indexed under certificates which provide quick and easy access to all the relevant information contained in the record. A direct link to the original document is also available on all the certificates.

    The LAFRANCE index of the Drouin collection is by far superior to Ancestry’s index, which can save you a lot of time and effort in your research. Plus, our version of the Drouin Collection has been re-digitized and is much easier to read and use.

    To add to that, Généalogie Québec offers about 12 other tools and databases such as a The Men and Women Series, the Connolly file, the 1926-1997 deaths and marriages collection, postcards and notarized documents, and plenty more.

    While my opinion is obviously biased, I believe a subscription to Généalogie Québec is a must for anyone who’s serious about their French Canadian ancestry.
    BMD2000 and ancestry may come in handy for the second half of the 21st century, as our coverage of the period isn’t exhaustive.

    Good luck in your genealogical research!

    The Webmaster

    Le 11/07/15, Russell Dorr a écrit :
    Thanks for getting back to me. I do appreciate it. That answers my question concerning transferring PRDH hits to Genealogie Québec.

    I also have a subscription to Ancestry.com which includes access to the Drouin, including images, which is your 1621-1940 database. I also have a subscription for hits remaining on BMD2000.

    What do you have that is not covered by these two subscription sites?

    Thanks again,


    From: Webmestre Lafrance
    To: Russell Dorr
    Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2015 12:07 PM
    Subject: Re : Subscription and PRDH


    The PRDH and Genealogie Quebec are distinct websites. It is unfortunately not possible to transfer PRDH hits to a Genealogie Quebec subscription, mainly because Genealogie Quebec does not use a hit based subscription model. A Genealogie Quebec subscription grants you access to all of our tools and databases, most of which are not available on the PRDH. Genealogie Quebec also has a copy of the original document for all the baptisms, burials and marriages between 1621 and 1940, which the PRDH does not have.

    Your PRDH hits do not expire and can be used at your convenience over the course of the next few months or years.

    If you need any further assistance or have any questions regarding Genealogie Quebec or the PRDH, please let me know.

    The Webmaster

    Le 09/07/15, Russell Dorr a écrit :

    I currently have 183 hits left on PRDH. I do not want to waste those. If I join your site can I get credit for those? If not, what would be the advantage in subscribing? What would I receive in return for my subscription?

    NOTE: I really do not read French well at all. I almost never spoke it beyond age six.


    Bud Dorr
    Gorham, Maine

    So this seems to be a very worthwhile site.

  4. I’m researching the family tree of a cousin of mine whose grandfather was Sabin Vincent married to Victoria Boucher 21 Oct. 1872, Salem MA.

    At this time, I would like to know the names of the father and mother of Sabin Vincent, date and placr of marriage if possible.

    There seems to be a change of family name from Vincent to Jarret. Is that correct?

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