Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Protestant Schools in Quebec City by Patricia Greber on My Genealogy Life.
Witnessing history through parish registers: The French and Indian War, Part 1 by François Desjardins on Généalogie et histoire du Québec.
OGS Toronto: House of Industry by John D. Reid on Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections.
Scottish Poor Relief Records Online by Kirsty F. Wilkinson on Finding Your Scottish Ancestors.
PRONI: Using American Records to Tear Down Irish Brickwalls and What’s happening to the Scottish censuses on FamilySearch? by Chris Paton on Scottish GENES.
Historic Archives of Collapsed Thomas Cook Have Been Sold to the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland by Dick Eastman on Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter.
Dutch Genealogy News for January 2020 by Yvette Hoitink on Dutch Genealogy.
Read the Local History by Donna Moughty on Irish Family Roots.
Research via Wikimedia Commons by Molly Rogers on Vita Brevis.
Update on Using Newspapers for Genealogical Research by James Tanner on Genealogy’s Star.
Olive Tree Genealogy is 25 Years Old! by Lorine McGinnis Schulze on Olive Tree Genealogy.
10 “Must-Do” Genealogy Projects for February by Will Moneymaker on Ancestral Findings.
About those spots… by Judy G. Russell on The Legal Genealogist.
Preserving, Protecting, And Growing The Pursuit of Genealogy by John D. Tew on Filiopietism Prism.
DNA Painter: Painting “Bucketed” Family Tree DNA Maternal and Paternal Family Finder Matches in One Fell Swoop by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained.
Strategies to Meet Standards with DNA Evidence – Compelling SLIG Course by Nicole Dyer on Family Locket.
The North American Francophone Podcast, hosted by Sandra Goodwin on Maple Stars and Stripes.
Nearly half a million U.S. naturalization records from the Bronx and Queens to become available online by Michael Gartland, New York Daily News, New York.
Harvard Digitizes Colonial North America Archives by Oliver L. Riskin-Kutz, Harvard Crimson, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Irish Famine immigrants with Catholic surnames had less upward mobility, study finds, IrishCentral, New York, New York.
Genealogy giant Ancestry just joined 23andMe in cutting workers as the DNA testing fad ends by Lydia Ramsey, Business Insider, New York, New York.
For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.