The Minnesota Genealogical Society has announced its 2015 webinar series, and it looks like a good one. Once a month, from February to December, with the exception of July, we can watch a free webinar to help us with our research.
The speakers include some of my favourites like Thomas MacEntee, Liza Alzo, Cyndi Ingle, Katherine R. Willson, and Canadian Kathryn Lake Hogan who will talk about finding your American ancestors using Canadian records. With this line-up, I suspect all the speakers will be excellent.
February 4 – Genealogy Do-Over™: A Year of Learning from Research Mistakes – Thomas MacEntee.
March 4 – Midwestern & Plains State Level Census Records – Paula Stuart-Warren.
April 1 – Find Your American Ancestor Using Canadian Records – Kathryn Lake Hogan.
May 6 – Researching Your Swedish Ancestry in the 21st Century – Ginny Sharp Sommarstrom.
June 3 – Genealogy and GIS: A Beginner’s How-To – Jennifer Alford.
August 5 – A Guided Tour to Cyndi’s List 2.0 – Cyndi Ingle.
September 2 – Genealogical Research Using Facebook’s 4,000+ Genealogical Pages & Groups – Katherine R. Willson.
October 7 – Engaging the Next Generation – Shannon Combs-Bennett.
November 4 – Research Logs and Plans for Every Genealogist – Lisa Alzo.
December 2 – Passenger Lists: A Boat-Load of Records, 1565–1954 – Valerie Eichler Lair.
All webinars will be held at 7:00 p.m. Central time (8:00 p.m. Eastern time).
Take a look at the Minnesota Genelaogical Society’s news release to see the complete list of webinars and descriptions. Click on the link in the news release for more info and to register. If you do not see all the webinars listed after you click on the link in the release, make sure the Timeframe in the blue box at the top is set to “Within 12 months.”
Then, put on your fluffy slippers, grab a note pad, and learn.