For almost a decade, a group of volunteers at the Kelowna and District Genealogical Society (KDGS) in British Columbia has collected information about burials and obituaries and then compiled their research into 16 books. These books contain photographs, personal stories, maps, and history of the local areas.
All 16 books have been digitized and made available online. The books include traditional transcriptions identifying each burial in a particular cemetery, names and stories about people buried in small cemeteries or isolated graves, and an index that alphabetically lists all the names in the 15 other books.
Six of these books include extensive local history and genealogies. Nine contain transcriptions. The index book contains more than 9,000 entries and it incorporates all the indices of the other 15 books.
Each of the books is searchable.
The society recommends starting with the Index of Names in the Central Okanagan.
The University of British Columbia Okanagan is hosting the collection of these books on the Digitized Okanagan History website.
To find the books on the Digitized Okanagan History website, select Browse on the menu, and then find the KDGS logo and click on it. From there, click on the Find the People and Place icon.
This is a fabulous collection Gail. So much more to be discovered on Digitized Okanagan History website! PS: I wrote an article about the KDGS collection on the 26 Jan 2018: A highlight is how this resource helped a family from Wales identify their ancestor. Stay tuned, as I am planning an article about DOH soon.
Just can’t get enough of these unique and free genealogy transcriptions – all provided by volunteers!
I agree. It is great that they have shared these resources online with everyone.