Live streaming of OGS conference opening ceremonies, keynote and plenary lectures

Before its monthly webinar began last night, the Ontario Genealogical Society released “breaking news” that the opening ceremonies and the opening plenary lecture at the upcoming  conference in Ottawa will be live streamed. This is great news for people who will be unable to attend the conference in person.

Genealogist, author, and journalist Dave Obee from British Columbia will deliver the keynote lecture, Destination Canada, during the opening ceremonies that will begin at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, June 16.

During his lecture, Mr. Obee will present a wide variety of sources dealing with immigration to Canada. These will include ship passenger lists (available from 1865 to 1935), border crossing records, and naturalization and citizenship documents.

On Saturday, June 17, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time, Danielle Manning, outreach officer at the Archives of Ontario, will deliver the opening plenary lecture, Family Ties: Exploring Genealogy through the Archives of Ontario’s Canada 150 Exhibit.

Ms. Manning will talk about the Archives of Ontario’s newest on-site exhibit, Family Ties: Ontario Turns 150. The exhibit showcases the ways in which specific families’ lives intersected with wider historical themes that led to Confederation in 1867. She will also talk about how family experiences, stories, and records help to make key events in Canada’s history more interesting, accessible, and memorable.

Watch the conference website (and this blog) for details about how to watch the live streaming. (More details may have been provided last night, but I had technical issues with the sound during the announcement and could only read the text on the screen. The issue? I hadn’t realized my speaker was turned off. Sigh…)

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