Ancestry’s new Quebec notary collection even better than realized

Ancestry’s new Quebec, Canada Notarial Records, 1626-1935 record collection is even more incredible than I described in yesterday’s blog post, How to find your ancestors in Ancestry’s new Quebec notary collection.

After spending the better part of Tuesday exploring this database and writing a blog post on how to find your ancestors in it, I overlooked an important feature that makes it even easier to see the original notary act.

Yesterday, I had explained how to find the act on the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec’s (BAnQ) website.

But it’s much easier than that.

Remember I told you to “jump for joy” when you see both Acte and répertoire in the Images Available column as shown below? Then I told you how to find the act on BAnQ’s website?


Well, Ancestry made finding the original notarial act very easy. They put both the act and the repertoire under View Record. Incredible. In this case, there is no need to visit BAnQ’s website. (Until my friendly advisor contacted me, I had been clicking on View Images and not seeing both images.)

So, if you see both Acte and répertoire next to your ancestor’s name, simply click on View Record in the first column to see both documents.


After clicking on View Record, you will then see a screen similar to this one below. Click on the images to view each document. In the case of the act, remember to look for pages after the first one. Many, if not most, acts have more than one page.

It is sometimes possible to view both the Repertoire and the Act on Ancestry.

It is sometimes possible to view both the Repertoire and the Act on Ancestry.

If only Répertoire appears in the Images Available column, follow the steps outlined in yesterday’s post, and contact BAnQ.

Yesterday’s post has been revised to include this new information.

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One Response to Ancestry’s new Quebec notary collection even better than realized

  1. Lesley Anderson says:

    Gail, you are amazing and your enthusiasm jumps right off the page!! Thank you for updating the explanation – I was writing you yesterday but hadn’t pressed the send! I’d like to use your tips on the Ancestry blog as well and to promote your blog to all so let’s chat ASAP.

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