Happy ending: Elsie MacGill’s descendants found

There is a happy ending to my blog post, City of Montreal looking for descendants of Elsie MacGill — world’s first female aircraft designer.

The city, however, would have done well to ask genealogists to track down the descendants. Several readers of this blog researched Elsie MacGill’s family tree and at least one reached out to someone who had her name on their online family tree.

In the end, one of Ms. MacGill’s descendants came forward, and the Montreal Gazette yesterday published a follow-up story.

Ms. MacGill’s step-grandson, Rohan Soulsby, originally from Montreal, contacted the newspaper after learning from an article in the Gazette about the city’s plans to name a street after his grandmother.

You can read the story about how Ms. MacGill inspired three generations of engineers and pilots in the Gazette article, MacGill ‘iconic’ of city’s history as aerospace centre: expert.

End of the story? Mr. Soulsby had already planned to visit Montreal in October.

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