The Society of Genealogists (SOG) has posted on its website speakers’ handouts and/or slides that were presented at both WDYTYA? Live 2014 Glasgow. This is a nice treat for those of us who were unable to attend. SOG expects to receive more handouts to post and the society encourages us to check from time to time.
Here is a list of the handouts available so far, and I plan to take a closer look at George English’s Breaking Down Scottish Family History Brick Walls slides. (I am convinced I will eventually find Mary Fyvie’s parents who possibly lived in Aberdeenshire in the late 18th century.)
Else Churchill: Surname Searching.Finding Pedigrees Online, at the SoG and other libraries.
Else Churchill: Scottish Sources in the Library of the Society of Genealogists.
Bruce Durie: The Future of Professional Genealogy.
Bruce Durie: Heraldry Why It Matters.
George English: Removing Dry Stane Dykes – Breaking Down Scottish Family History Brick Walls.
Alec Tritton: Social Media for Family History.
You can easily download a PDF version of the slides and/or handouts by visiting the SOG website. Make sure you continue to scroll down the page to find an even longer list of slides and handouts from the WDYTYA? Live held in London in February this year.