New Brunswick Archives uploads more digitized photos

The Provincial Archives of New Brunswick yesterday added 408 archival photographs from its holdings to its online database.

These photographs include the W. Albert Hickman fonds, Fredericton Fire Department photographs, Diocese (R.C.) of Saint John Chancery fonds, the Eccles collection, the Northern Carleton County Schools Collection, the Danny Johnson collection, and the Stanley Gorham Collection.

No. 2 Hose Company, Fredericton Fire Department, 1897.
1st row: G. Edney, J. Edney, O. King (or D. King) R. Coombs, H. Chase. 2nd row: G. Haviland, B. Donovan, J. Wilson, L. Brewer, A. Schlyer [This may be Andrew Schleyer or Schlyer from the 1891 census. There were not many people with that name in Fredericton at the time]. Bottom row: S. Brown and B. Grace.
Source: Fredericton Fire Department photos (P15), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

If people were identified in the photos, their surnames are searchable.

This latest offering almost doubles the online photo collection. There are now 843 digitized images available. Let’s hope the provincial archives continues to digitize its photos.

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