California Genealogical Society’s virtual presentation features French Canadian research

The California Genealogical Society will host a hybrid meeting — in person and online — during which Jane Lindsey will deliver her presentation, Beginning French Canadian Research, on Wednesday, February 7, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time. The meeting will take place at the Oakland FamilySearch Center (OFSC).

Learn about the excellent books available at OFSC (Tanguay, Jetté & more ); how to use the digital files of Quebec church records on FamilySearch and; what is a “dit” name; and tips to search records. Jane’s grandmother is from Quebec. She used French Canadian records before they were digitized.

Registration for this presentation is free for society members and non-members.

This presentation is one in a series of “fun, informal discussions on a variety of topics” hosted by the California Genealogical Society OFSC volunteers.

Take a look at the lengthy list of upcoming presentations in the registration link above.

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