This week’s crème de la crème — September 9, 2023

Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Crème de la crème of genealogy blogs

Blog posts
A circus-full of maps by John Grenham on John Grenham — Irish Roots.

John does it again with maps! by Donna Moughty on Irish Family Roots.

More than 600,000 records for Glasnevin Cemetery join Find A Grave by Claire Santry on Irish Genealogy News.

Dutch Genealogy News for August 2023 by Yvette Hoitink on Dutch Genealogy.

Why Your Ancestor’s Occupation Matters To Your Genealogy Research by Lisa Lisson on Lisa Lisson.

Using Adobe Photoshop BETA, Adobe Photoshop, and Reimagine to Repair a Photo by James Tanner on Genealogy’s Star.

The New Member Tree Fan Chart by Randy Seaver on Genea-Musings.

In Beta at Ancestry: Top Hints Feature by Marian B. Wood on Climbing My Family Tree.

This Number is Crucial to Your DNA Match Research by DiAnn Iamarino Ohama on Fortify Your Family Tree.

Ancestry’s ThruLines Are a Hot Mess Right Now – But Here Are Some Great Alternatives by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained.

Understanding AncestryDNA’s New Subscription Plan by Mark Thompson on Making Family History.

Searching for proof by Teresa Wong, CBC News, Calgary, Alberta.

New scores on old sores: The Morts Pour la France database on WWI fatalities in France by Victor Gay and Pauline Grosjean, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, England.

Using DNA to solve a family mystery: ‘It brought great comfort to some of the older relatives’ by Colin Gleeson, Irish Times, Dublin, Ireland.

Positive news at last on the American Irish Historical Society’s comeback by Niall O’Dowd, IrishCentral, New York, New York.

For more gems like these throughout the week, join the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group. When you submit your request to join, you will be asked to answer two quick questions about your family history research.

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