Ontario Ancestors’ virtual presentations this week

It’s great to see that Ontario Ancestors, its branches, and a special interest group, week after week, continue to offer free online presentations that are open members and non-members.

This week, there are six presentations on a variety of topics that are bound to make those who attend better family historians.

All times are in Eastern time.

Monday, April 17, 7:00 p.m. — Sudbury District Branch
Grandma McAlister’s Diary: Reading Between the Lines by Linda Ambrose

When Agnes McAlister found a roasting chicken on her doorstep in 1950, she gave thanks to God for His provision. Married to a Pentecostal minister, raising her children in rural Alberta, caring for aging parents, and hosting travellers in her home, McAlister lived well below the poverty line and prayed to God that he would meet her needs.

In this talk, Laurentian University historian Linda Ambrose will tell us about how she used one woman’s diary to draw conclusions about women, religion, and rural life through the life writing of a woman preacher, school teacher, wife, and mother. This grandmother’s diary has more to say about faith and family life than first meets the eye. Register.

Tuesday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. — Nipissing Branch
Back to Basics — Canadian Censuses (two sessions) by Ann Smith

There are two presentations about the Censuses of Canada, where to find them online, and how to use these records in our genealogical research.

Session One – Pre 1882 – Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Register.
Session Two – Post 1882 – Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Register.

Both presentations are hybrid. You may attend via Zoom through the above registration links or in person at the North Bay Public Library, Upper Mezzanine Meeting Room.

Wednesday, April 19, 10:00 a.m. — Scottish SIG
Child Workers in Textile Factories by Fiona Davidson


Wednesday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. — Essex County Branch
British Home Children in Essex County by Jayne “Cookie” Foster

Jayne “Cookie” Foster will discuss her research on British Home Children in Essex County.  She has compiled a database and has a personal connection. Learn more and register here.

Thursday, April 20, 1:00 p.m. — Kawartha Branch
Lang Pioneer Village Museum, Peterborough County by Renée Homiak

Renée Homiak, Museum Curator, will tell us about Lang Pioneer Village Museum and some of the resources available on site, such as land registry volumes, family photographs, council records, and family histories that may help family and history researchers. We will also learn about their research room which includes township books and historical atlases. The majority of the museum archival records are pre-1900. Register through the Peterborough Public Library’s website. 

Sunday, April 23, 2:00 p.m. — Halton-Peel Branch
Making use of all your “census” by Ken McKinlay

We are all familiar with the population schedules found on census enumerations in Canada. However, are you familiar with the other surviving schedules? Ken McKinlay will be looking at the various Canada census schedules available to us that will help you in family history research. Register.

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