Free virtual Scottish Indexes conference this Saturday

The program schedule for the eighth(!) free virtual Scottish Indexes conference on Saturday, January 30, is now available.

Each presentation will be shown twice throughout the day to accommodate different time zones around the world. Scroll down the Scottish Indexes home page for different time zones. You can watch the presentations on the Scottish Indexes Group on Facebook or via Zoom.

This is the schedule for the Eastern time zone.

2:00 am Introduction
2:15 am ‘Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society’ by Sheila Duffy.
3:00 am ‘In Sickness and in Health – family history and health records’ by Fiona Musk.
3:45 am ‘Beginning Scottish Research’ by Emma Maxwell.
5:00 am ‘The importance of getting your facts straight (in order to tell your family story)’ by Helen Tovey.
6:00 am ‘Sharing Your Family History Online’ by Chris Paton.
7:00 am Genealogy Q & A hosted by Graham and Emma Maxwell.
8:00 am ‘William Simpson’s Asylum Project’ by Karl Magee.
9:00 am ‘Caithness Family Society & SAFHS’ by Ian Leith.

Second session
10:00 am Introduction
10:15 am ‘Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society’ by Sheila Duffy.
11:00 am ‘In Sickness and in Health – family history and health records’ by Fiona Musk.
11:45 am ‘Beginning Scottish Research’ by Emma Maxwell.
1:00 pm ‘The importance of getting your facts straight (in order to tell your family story)’ by Helen Tovey.
2:00 pm ‘Sharing Your Family History Online’ by Chris Paton.
3:00 pm Genealogy Q & A hosted by Graham and Emma Maxwell.
4:00 pm ‘William Simpson’s Asylum Project’ by Karl Magee.
5:00 pm ‘Caithness Family Society & SAFHS’ by Ian Leith.

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