Manitoba Genealogical Society to re-open with precautionary measures

The Manitoba Genealogical Society yesterday announced it will re-open July 7.

Access to the society’s centre in Winnipeg will be limited. Members and patrons who wish to visit the MGS Resource Centre should call the MGS Centre in advance to arrange a scheduled time to visit. 

On its website and Facebook page, the society said, “Following a very long closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision to re-open the MGS Resource Centre to volunteers, members and visitors was approved at the meeting of the MGS Executive in June 2020. This decision was made carefully, taking into consideration the guidelines set out by the Province of Manitoba for re-opening of businesses including not-for-profit organizations.”

Only four appointments will be scheduled on each of the three days the centre is open.  The province encourages all volunteers, members, patrons and visitors to use the screening information in the self-screening tool before leaving home to visit the centre. 

During visits the following regulations will be implemented:

  • Before being allowed to access the MGS Resource Centre all visitors will be verbally screened at the front counter about COVID-19 symptoms before proceeding further into the centre.  Anyone exhibiting symptoms will not be allowed to proceed.
  • All persons entering the Resource Centre must use the sanitizer provided at the time of entry and also when exiting.  Washrooms are available and recommended hand washing  before exiting the washroom.
  • Wearing face masks will continue to be strongly recommended.
  • Personal teaching or other assistance from on site volunteers will be impacted,  to comply with necessary safe distancing.
  • Personal laptops/IPADS will be allowed in the centre  but restricted to the large conference table in the middle of the room and will be spaced according to current restrictions.  Laptops/IPADs will be required to be sanitized on entry to the centre as well as before exiting the centre.
  • If requiring a Resource Centre computer to do research, volunteers, members or patrons will be assigned to one computer for the duration of their visit and stations will be sanitized after use.  It is recommended you bring your own pen/pencil but one can be provided and will be sanitized after use.
  • Books and other material obtained for research/reading must be returned to the book return receptacle at the front desk for sanitizing and re-shelving.
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